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Laminates polymeric high-performance

V750B – Transparent PVC adhesive film

PVC adhesive film is an easy-to-work material. Our V750B adhesive film is suitable for a variety of applications. The V750B is an adhesive film made of a 70µm calendered polymer PVC, coated with a pressure-sensitive acrylic adhesive.

  • Gloss finish
  • Cold laminated

Our transparent PVC adhesive film is known for its durability. It can be used on slightly curved and flat surfaces.

  • V750B - Film adhésif PVC transparent
  • Film adhésif PVC transparent - V750B

Roll sizes

1050, 1370, 1600mm
50, 250ml

These widths and lengths are not available in all countries. Please enquire for further details.


Long term
Solvent based acrylic (reinforced on the VCR750B)
Siliconed paper 80 g/m2


Recommended laminates for series 200

More information

To receive sample sheets of our products in A4 or A5 size, swatch books or colour charts, please contact your local distributor. Our data sheets can be downloaded from our website, section « professionals ». They contain a precise technical description of our products. Producs specifications are liable to change and we recommend you check this section regulary.