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Printable covering film

Wrap your bodywork, let your imagination go free without limits with our printable covering filmBring your vehicle back to life with its original colour as a backdrop. 

The CLEARWRAP film, the latest addition to our range of printable cast films, offers a unique experience in terms of creativity and ease of applicationThis clear printable covering film is ideal for customising all or part of the bodywork of your vehicle, for a 100% unique lookFrom subtle designs to the most audacious blend of decorative motifs, it opens up a multitude of visual possibilities, which can be superimposed on the original colour of the paintwork.

The CLEARWRAP film allows fast, precise processing. Due to its micro-embossed liner, it is easy to be repositioned on flat or curved surfacesAs it is perfectly clear, it can be transferred directly, without the need for time- consuming tape or splices.

Protect your prints with the PC50MICP2 ultra-clear cast laminate. Its polyester liner prevents image distortion, while keeping the compound perfectly clear

* The actual durability of the product depends on several parameters such as the conditions of exposure (climate, angle of exposure), substrate, etc. We recommend performing an application test ahead of each project to assess the appearance of the film particularly on dark surfaces..

  • Film adhésif imprimable CLEARWRAP
  • Film de covering imprimable CLEARWRAP

Roll sizes


These widths and lengths are not available in all countries. Please enquire for further details.


Clear premium cast film
Outdoor durability* / Unprinted film: 8 years (vertical exposure) • Outdoor durability** / Printed and laminated film: up to 5 years (vertical exposure)
Clear permanent solvent-based acrylic adhesive
Micro-embossed PE Liner


Car wrapping and 3D customisation

More information

To receive sample sheets of our products in A4 or A5 size, swatch books or colour charts, please contact your local distributor. Our data sheets can be downloaded from our website, section « professionals ». They contain a precise technical description of our products. Producs specifications are liable to change and we recommend you check this section regulary.