Vehicle bodywork protection films: the BODYFENCE® range from HEXIS

News / 2024, 17 May

The choice of a vehicle body protection film plays an essential role in the maintenance process of a vehicle. For this reason we are going to explore the BODYFENCE® range, a renowned specialist in the field of self-adhesive films for bodywork protection. They allow you to preserve the beauty and integrity of your vehicle.

We are going to find out how these innovative films offer unequalled protection against external aggression. The BODYFENCE® range is an exclusive collection of vehicle body protection films that combines innovation, durability and visual appeal. With BODYFENCE® films the appearance of your vehicle is preserved to meet the highest demands of motoring enthusiasts.

BODYFENCE® and HEXIS redefine the standards for vehicle body protection film.

What is bodywork protection film?

A self-adhesive bodywork protection film is an invisible shield for a vehicle. Such an optimum protection will enable your clients to drive in complete safety by acting as a barrier against:

  • chipping from gravel
  • insects
  • UV rays
  • corrosive materials

With BODYFENCE® you will offer your clients the assurance of a longer-lasting paintwork thanks to a bodywork protection film that combines technical performance with refined visual appeal. Due to their impact-resistant, self-healing and self-cleaning properties, BODYFENCE® protective films are the ideal protection. Our self-adhesives films are available in gloss, satin or matt finishes. Your customers will be spoilt for choice.

bodywork protection

What are the advantages of bodywork protection films?

If your customers are keen to protect their vehicles, then you are well placed to offer them the services of our BODYFENCE® range. This invisible shield gives effective protection against external aggressions (UV rays, acid rain, impacts caused by gravel etc.).

Indeed, whichever BODYFENCE® protective film you choose will ensure that your vehicle’s resale value is maintained. In addition, ease of maintenance is another factor to consider when making your choice. BODYFENCE® bodywork protection films are self-cleaning. This is an added benefit to please your customers, it is a practical choice, requiring little effort to keep the car in top condition. Opting for a bodywork protection film means investing in durability and beauty in the long term.

How to install a BODYFENCE® protective film?

The HEXIS Training Centre offers training courses to help you excel in the application of BODYFENCE®:

  • Basic training: Recommended for people who would like to learn the techniques for applying BODYFENCE® film.
  • Advanced training: Recommended for professionals who wish to perfect their BODYFENCE® installation technique to improve their speed.

With the help of experienced HEXIS instructors, you will master the art of installing vehicle body protection film. In this way, you can offer your clients unequalled protection for their vehicles. You will benefit from advanced training in the various application techniques using the latest equipment. At the end of the training course, you will receive a certification that will enable you to offer your customers an assurance of quality. In addition, it will attest to your skills and qualification as a certified installer.

Join us now to become one of the professionals renowned for the application of bodywork protection film.

In conclusion, bodywork protection films are the solution for  owners who want to preserve the value of their motor vehicles. Working with the BODYFENCE® range means you have the assurance of working with renowned quality products. Choose a state-of-the-art solution that gives you:

  • Advanced protection
  • Preserved visual appeal
  • Ease of installation

In addition, the training provided by our instructors will enable you to become an expert in the application of self-adhesive bodywork protection films. This is a unique opportunity for you!

By investing in bodywork protection with BODYFENCE®, you are making the choice of durability and excellence for your clients. Because their vehicle deserves quality protection, today and for the years to come.

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