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Printable cast PVC film

This product is specially dedicated to full wraps, wall wraps or complex surfaces (rivets, corrugated metal). The combination of highly conformable cast vinyls and the HEX’PRESS technology offers high-quality results while reducing the application time. Your results will be optimised by using our PC190G2 premium laminate, gloss finish, or PC190M3 matt finish.

Compatibility with all printing systems
Optimised ink coverage
Alleviates printing flaws due to inaccuracies of printing systems.

Installation properties:
Multilayered film.
Whatever the ink quantity, the tack experienced during the installation remains unchanged.
Due to its composition, the film reduces the risks related to the application quality.
Improved handling
Laminated with PC190G2 or PC190M3, the complex has the ideal.

HX190WG2 - Printable cast PVC film

Roll sizes

1370, 1520
5, 10, 15, 45

These widths and lengths are not available in all countries. Please enquire for further details.


Cast polymeric PVC
Long term
Solvent-based acrylic
HEX'Press PE


Vehicle wraps / complex surfaces

More information

To receive sample sheets of our products in A4 or A5 size, swatch books or colour charts, please contact your local distributor. Our data sheets can be downloaded from our website, section « professionals ». They contain a precise technical description of our products. Producs specifications are liable to change and we recommend you check this section regulary.