The HEXPERT community at HEXIS

News / 2024, 31 July

Professional training in the field of self-adhesive film installation is constantly evolving and standing out in this sector requires a recognised level of expertise. This is why, at HEXIS, we have created the HEXPERT community, which brings together the best specialists when it comes to the application of self-adhesive film. Our objective is to offer leading-edge training and guidance and to get you to join the HEXPERT HEXIS community.

Find out why you should join the HEXPERT community and how we can help you to become an expert in the installation of self-adhesive films.

What is the HEXIS HEXPERT community?

The HEXPERT community at HEXIS is an exclusive network of approved mediapplicators, trained to excel in the installation of self-adhesive films. Being a HEXPERT means wanting to be part of a high-performing and responsive network. Choosing to be part of the HEXPERT community means guaranteeing your customers successful completion of their work in accordance with professional standards and in compliance with a defined code of ethics. In this way, a chain of trust is established between HEXIS and the end user.

This community is characterised by :

  • Top-level training: Our courses are designed to deliver the most advanced skills and most innovative techniques in the sector.
  • An extensive professional network: As a member of the HEXPERT community, you will have the opportunity to collaborate and exchange with other leading professionals from all over the world.
  • Recognised certification: Becoming a HEXPERT at HEXIS means earning a prestigious certification that attests to your expertise and your know-how and adds to the confidence you have in your end users.

The certified mediapplicators (HEXPERT) within our community are recognised for their technical expertise and their precision, making them invaluable players in the market.

What are the advantages of the HEXIS community of certified mediapplicators?

  • Listed on HEXIS communication platforms
  • Special prices on materials and accessories
  • Featured by HEXIS on social networks
  • Free further training for life
  • Admission to the HEXPERT community
  • Participation in international conventions (HEXPERT Days)
  • A dedicated line of garments

Why choose HEXIS for training in the application of self-adhesive films?

Choosing HEXIS for your self-adhesive film application training guarantees a rewarding, high-quality training experience. This is why HEXIS is the best choice for becoming a HEXPERT:

Experienced HEXIS instructors

Our instructors are experts and recognised professionals in their field and provide unrivalled expertise.

Comprehensive courses

Our training courses are constantly updated to include the latest innovations from our industry. You will learn how to use the most advanced tools and the most efficient installation methods from members of the HEXPERT community.

The network of certified mediapplicators

By choosing HEXIS, you become part of a network of certified mediapplicators. This HEXPERT network is a valuable resource for exchanging knowledge and cooperating on projects.By choosing the HEXIS Training Centre you benefit from an ideal learning environment.

Why become a HEXIS HEXPERT?

Becoming a HEXPERT at HEXIS opens the door to numerous professional opportunities and allows you to distinguish yourself in a competitive market. HEXPERT certification is a guarantee of quality and expertise, which will set you apart from your competitors and increase your credibility with clients. In addition, by joining the HEXPERT community at HEXIS, you gain access to a network of certified mediapplicators who share your ambitions and your passion for excellence.

To summarise, if you want to excel in the installation of self-adhesive films, joining the HEXPERT community at HEXIS will exceed your expectations. Our high-quality training courses, professional network and recognition in the sector will give you all the keys to succeed.

To find out more about our HEXPERTs, follow our community of professionals at the HEXPERT Days convention held in Le Mans (France) for its 2024 edition.

For further information about our training courses and the HEXPERT community, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be delighted to guide you on your journey to excellence.

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